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11 Steps to Increase Conversions on Your Website Through Wikipedia Page

If you have a website, then the chances are that it is within your best interest to earn more traffic and achieve a higher rate of conversions. One way to accomplish this is by improving your page rank. However, in today’s digital age, search results have shifted from being dominated solely by keywords to being filtered predominantly with links.

One of the most important factors in determining how high your site will rank. On any given set of search terms lies in the number of external links that point back to your website. Or webpage through hyperlinks contained within Wikipedia articles (naturally). This article will discuss how you can increase conversions on your website by using Wikipedia pages as a source for hyperlinks.

Let’s start by taking a look at how we can ensure Wikipedia is the best source for hyperlinks.

1. Build Your Website Up First

Before you approach Wikipedia with any request to include hyperlinked text or images on their site. It would be wise to first build your own website up as much as possible. This means having a sufficient amount of content either presented in an organized fashion where readers will want to return and share with friends and family, or through various marketing methods. Such as PPC ads and effective email campaigns. When people feel that they can gain some sort of information from visiting your website. They will be more likely to include a link back on their article page through Wikipedia.

2. Anchor Text Should Tell Them What To Expect

When you’re creating the anchor text that will link back to your site. It is important to use keywords that tell Wikipedia users what they can expect to find when they click through. The more informative the anchor text is, the better chance your link has of getting picked up by Wikipedia or any other hyperlink-based search engines.

3. Links Should Be Placed Carefully

As stated above, one of the most important factors in determining how high your site ranks on Google and other search engines is its number of external links which point back to your website or webpage through hyperlinks contained within Wikipedia articles (naturally). You’ll want to ensure that each link is placed within an appropriate article that is relevant enough for readers who know what to expect after clicking on your link. If you try to place a link within an article that is not relevant to what you’re trying to sell, it will be more difficult for users and search engine bots alike to understand what they can expect once they click through on your hyperlink; thus, reducing the chances of gaining any valuable traffic from Wikipedia’s readership.

4. Links Should Point To Your Homepage Or Landing Page

When you’re creating anchor text as mentioned above (step 2), it is especially important that the linked text points back only to the homepage or landing page of your website. A good example would be “click here” – unspecific links such as this one are easily picked up by bot crawlers and spam filters which often prevent them from being indexed. However, if Wikipedia users were always directed back to your homepage or landing page. You would be able to gain a larger amount of traffic from this one source alone.

5. Links Should Not Point To A Sub Domain

Your website should not be listed as – instead, it should only be linked with the root domain name (i.e., through both hyperlink and anchor text formats that point directly to your main articles or pages within the site itself. This is not only because Wikipedia does not allow for subdomains. But also because doing so will prevent any external bots from properly indexing your article among others within your website’s domain name.

6. Do Not Use Wikipedia To Boost Traffic Directly From Articles

Wikipedia users are not allowed to create links that point directly to another website or webpage for the sole purpose of increasing traffic on their own articles. If you try this, you risk having your link removed by one of the many helpful Wikipedia volunteers who ensure all links placed within articles are appropriate and follow guidelines set forth by Wikipedia itself.

7. Link Back To Your Own Articles And Pages First And Foremost

When creating hyperlinks for Wikipedia pages, it is important that your first few external links. Be placed back within your own website’s content before linking out to any external sources. Simply put, place a hyperlink back to an internal page or article that has already been linked into Wikipedia before linking out to any other external sources. If you do not, search engine crawlers and bots will assume that your website is of little value. Even if it is – and give you a lower page rank than what it should be.

8. Use Common Search Engines To Verify Your Links Are Working Properly Before Submitting

You can’t just submit a link to an article and expect it to show up within the first few results on Google; instead. There are certain procedures that must be followed beforehand in order for your link to gain. As much traction as possible from those who find their way through hyperlink searches such as these (i.e., Wikipedia). Using common, general search engines like Yahoo or Bing. Search for a phrase relevant to your Wikipedia article. And then click through on the first few results that show up; if one of them is your page or another source that you want linked. Click through and ensure that it takes you where it is supposed to go. Once you find a suitable link, copy and paste it into the dedicated Wikipedia field provided in order to verify. Whether or not it does what it’s supposed to do before submitting.

9. Disclose The Nature Of Your Connection To The Source Linked Within The Wikipedia Page

If there is a specific reason why you wish for this particular page or website. To be linked from within the Wikipedia page itself (i.e., yours). State exactly why in your “External Links” section using phrases such as “sponsored links” and “sponsored link”. Not only is this acceptable on Wikipedia but it will also help you. Gain a better page rank from search engines. Such as Google who often use phrases like these within their algorithms for determining which pages. Should show up first in hyperlink searches.

10. Have More Than One Link Per Wikipedia Page

As stated above, there can be no more than two external links placed within an individual Wikipedia article itself; however, if there are more resources similar or relevant to the topic of your article . But not directly related – feel free to leave them linked under the section entitled “External Links” at the bottom of your page. If one of those sources (or another) happens to meet the criteria listed above and you see fit to place it within your article for whatever reason, feel free; having more than two links on a Wikipedia page is not only permitted but encouraged.

11. Use Unique Titles For Each Link You Plan On Submitting To Wikipedia

As stated above, there can be no more than two external links placed within an individual Wikipedia article itself; however, if there are more resources similar or relevant to the topic of your article . But not directly related – feel free to leave them linked under the section entitled “External Links” at the bottom of your page. If one of those sources (or another) happens to meet the criteria listed above and you see fit to place it within your article for whatever reason, feel free; having more than two links on a Wikipedia page is not only permitted but encouraged.

Beyond the age of twelve, it becomes increasingly difficult to gain attention and interest from strangers and potential customers; one way to accomplish this (especially if you run an eCommerce website) is by submitting your pages. To popular external link directories such as Wikipedia. So long as you follow these guidelines for submission. There should be no reason why your links do not show up in the first few results on Google or other major search engines. Within a reasonable amount of time (i.e., months).

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